MI6 Chief Warned PM Covid Was ‘Bioengineered for Depopulation’; UK Government Hid the Truth

Five years ago, Sir Richard Dearlove, the former MI6 chief, delivered a chilling warning to then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson: Covid-19 was no natural virus but a bioengineered weapon crafted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, designed for depopulation. Yet, this explosive revelation was buried, with Johnson allegedly suppressing it on the advice of Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief scientific advisor at the time.

Further fueling the controversy, the Mail on Sunday reported on March 9 that virologist Robert Redfield, a prominent expert, is now “100 per cent” certain of the virus’s lab origins. Redfield contends that scientists became infected during dangerous experiments aimed at amplifying the infectivity of bat viruses, inadvertently unleashing the pandemic. These claims intensify the debate over a government cover-up and the true nature of Covid-19’s emergence.

Expose-news.com reports: In a commentary yesterday, the Mail on Sunday went further and wrote that “a highly distinguished source” had said that in the early days of the covid era, former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove informed the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, that “it is now beyond reasonable doubt that covid-19 was engineered in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.”

Sir Richard’s warning to Johnson was based on work by a reputable scientific team but he faced opposition.  Patrick Vallance, who was then at the heart of the Government’s scientific team, was reportedly reluctant to accept the lab leak theory.

Johnson himself was puzzled by the reluctance of some British scientists to consider the lab leak theory and asked the intelligence agencies to do more work on the origins of covid but his efforts were met with resistance from the scientific community.

The refusal of government experts to contemplate the lab leak theory has raised questions about whether the public and the then premier were actively misled by the scientific and intelligence community to protect research funding from Beijing and avoid angering the Chinese government.

Vallance has been promoted since the covid era; he was a “Sir” and is now a “Lord,” he was a government advisor and is now the Minister for Science in Keir Starmer’s government. The time has come for Vallance to address these issues on behalf of the current government and provide clarity on why he and other scientists were so unwilling to consider the possibility that the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory, the commentary in the Mail on Sunday concluded.

In the video below, Andre Walker discusses the Mail on Sunday’s latest revelations.

The virus was engineered. “That means it’s not just a leak it’s [ ] a biological weapon,” Walker said.  “I’m going to go further than the Mail on Sunday. I’m going to say that I believe that we have been the victim of a biological attack by the People’s Republic of China. I believe it’s an act of war.”

He then lists what he believes needs to be done in the name of justice and to stop the perpetrators from inflicting another “pandemic” on the world: “The Chinese Communist Party now owes the world £12 trillion … We want President Xi Jinping put on trial … Everyone who works at the Wuhan laboratory [should be put on trial] … Fauci and Vallance should go to prison, Dr. Tedros [should be given the] death penalty.”

Curiously, according to Anthony Fauci, on 1 February 2020, Patrick Vallance was one of the “scientists” on a call arranged by Jeremy Farrar, Christian Anderson and Fauci. The call concluded that more time was needed to properly investigate the origins of the virus.

It’s not only the CCP that needs to be on trial as Walker suggests.  We have written numerous articles over the years about the origins of covid and the involvement of Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak.  You can find some of our articles HERE.

Nor is it only Vallance that needs investigating in the UK.  Last month, we published an article that demonstrated that NHS, emergency services and public health have always known covid and its vaccine are bioweapons because it is stated in their Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear guidance.  You can read this article HERE.

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