Australian Gov’t Admits ‘Free Speech’ Is Incompatible With ‘Multiculturalism’

The Australian government has admitted that the existence of “free speech” is incompatible with a multicultural society.

The Premier of New South Wales, Chris Minns, accidentally admitted that, in order to uphold the myth that “diversity is our greatest strength,” the freedom to say it isn’t must be censored.

“I recognize and I fully said from the beginning, we don’t have the same freedom of speech laws that they have in the United States, and the reason for that is that we want to hold together a multicultural community and have people live in peace,” Minns admitted. reports:The politician made the comments in the context of new hate speech laws in Australia that were rushed through off the back of a hysterical moral panic based on a completely fraudulent narrative.

The new legislation was introduced in response to a supposed terror attack plot on a childcare center near a synagogue on the outskirts of Sydney.

However, it subsequently emerged that the attack was actually a “criminal con job,” according to police, and that wasn’t politically or racially motivated at all.

“The entire operation wasn’t about mass destruction. It was a scam,” reports Reclaim the Net. “The alleged mastermind, reportedly a figure nestled deep within Australia’s criminal underworld, was running a spectacular bluff. The plan? Create an artificial crisis, let the media and politicians whip themselves into a frenzy, and then swoop in as the “hero” with inside information — possibly to negotiate a reduced sentence, distract police from other crimes, or simply revel in the chaos.

MLC John Ruddick underscored the false pretext of the hate speech laws when he told parliament, “Parliament was misinformed by the Minns government about the urgency of the bills referred to in one A, B, and C… this House calls on the Minns government to repeal the bills… and apologize for both misleading this Parliament, preventing a Parliamentary Inquiry, and further curbing free speech principles by these reactionary bills.”

However, Minns refused to respond to Ruddick’s argument and doubled down, glibly asserting that anyone who opposes draconian restrictions on free speech is facilitating “racist abuse”.

As Christina Maas points out, as with all ‘hate speech’ laws, they will inevitably be abused to silence native Australians from speaking out about the failure of multiculturalism and diversity.

“These laws will be used against dissenters. Against people who question government policies. Against critics of the ruling ideology,” she writes.

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