Bavaria to cut benefits for rejected asylum seekers

Bavaria's state government is taking a bold step. The Free State wants to cut benefits for rejected asylum seekers by more than half. Premier Söder argues with the pull factors of the German welfare state.

Munich - The Bavarian state government has called for cuts in benefits for rejected asylum seekers. "The federal government must create the legal prerequisites for an effective restriction of entitlements for those who are obliged to leave the country," said a report from the cabinet meeting on Tuesday. The Free State intends to apply for a corresponding amendment in the Bundesrat.

The cabinet of Bavarian Premier Markus Söder (CSU) argues that the rejection of an asylum application does not currently lead to a reduction in benefits. Combined with the fundamentally high level of benefits compared to its European neighbors, this creates a pull factor. This currently affects some 243,000 migrants who are legally obliged to leave the country.

Benefits halved after departure deadline

Therefore, benefits should only be sufficient "to cover the needs for food, accommodation, personal and health care". Accordingly, a single adult would receive 228 euros per month instead of the current 460 to 563 euros.

Currently, benefits can only be reduced for those who have to leave the country if they miss an exit date, do not leave the country despite possible exit options, and are responsible for this themselves. The Bavarian government wants cuts to be made if a deadline for leaving the country has expired. This would also apply to people with a Duldung.

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