US Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status – amidst devaluation

Independent News:

The IMF recognizes eight major currencies: US dollar, Australian dollar, Canadian dollar, British pound, Chinese renminbi, Japanese yen, the euro, and the Swiss franc   All other currencies are measured against these to determine valuation.   The measurement is an illusion because its very means of measurement is flawed.   Historically the currency was based on its value as a commodity metal – today it is based on valueless paper that is backed by debt.

The US dollar is considered the dominant measurement for all other currencies. This allows the US to borrow at lower costs – given a ‘safe-haven’ clause.   The safe-haven clause states that determining factors include:   stability, reliability, level of corruption, long term, purchasing power, and – politics.

IF the US dollar was stable, reliable and secure then the dollar should be worth more than a dollar since the introduction of the Federal Reserve. Instead the dollar is now pegged at a value of 4cents since 1930.

There are multiple complications with these meandering valuations, including the fact that the Euro’s existence didn’t begin until 1983… therefore the maximum length of analysis begins at that point.   Today, the Euro is stronger than the dollar.   The Swiss Franc is stronger than the dollar.   The Japanese Yen and China’s Yuan are significantly weak against the dollar.  So why would weak currencies be tagged by the IMF as dominant reserves?

These monetary exchange rates really are rather arbitrary and insignificant because they don’t have any commodity value.   While the value of gold is highly manipulated and suppressed.   Why would western governments want to suppress the value of gold?   Because the western countries would be obligated to prove their reserves – reserves that have been depleted.   Canada sold all of its gold reserves some years ago.   Meaning the Canadian dollar is worthless.

This is why Russia, China, ASEAN nations, Saudi Arabia, UAE, and the BRICS want to return to the gold standard.   To bring back stability and a means to control federal debt.   IF global currencies are backed by a singular commodity the emotional devaluation and manipulations are removed.

In 1931, the British left the gold standard, and in 1932 the US followed suit.   The British government then increased their gold reserves on paper by 235% before diluting them to near zero today.   The vast majority of countries have been accumulating gold reserves since 1950 , including, Japan, India, France, Italy, Germany, etc…

What would be the point of a government to hoard gold reserves if gold is NOT tested against currency?  

In 1979, the US share of global reserve currencies peaked at 85% until the Carter administration’s contrived  inflation dropped that percentage to 45% by 1991.   By 2022, it had rebounded somewhat to 59%,   Currency in circulation of the Euro between 2021 and 2023 decreased from its peak of 16 to -2 based on M1 Monetary Aggregates.   Simultaneously, debt for Europe since 2000 increased by 275% to $13.5 trillion while the US National Debt now stands at $32.7 trillion.

The supposed deficits triggering the collapse of gold backed currencies according to economists and ‘bankers’ were:  – 1) it caused inflation.   2.   It reduced currency in circulation.   3) It hampered growth. 4)   It is volatile.

  • According to Ben Bernanke: When the central bank fixes the dollar price of gold, rather than the price of goods we consume, fluctuations in the dollar price of goods replace fluctuations in the market price of gold.

The obvious glaring problem with this Bernanke evaluation is the idea that the US Central Banks FIX the value of gold.   Historical accounts present a different picture:

Between 1833 and 1919, gold remained stable at $18.93 to $18.99.   AFTER Bretton Woods and the Federal Reserve Banks began manipulating gold, the price began to rise.   By 1978 gold had risen 1000%.   By 2023, gold had risen another 1000%.

During the same relative time frame  – from 1930 to 2023, the value of the US dollar had disintegrated to just 4cents.

The main deterrent to the gold standard is that it puts checks and balances on the government continually raising the ‘debt limit’.   When gold backs the dollar the government cannot create more debt than the value of gold reserves.  

This presented a problem for the Cartel to invoke global control over currencies.

The economic contention that currencies fluctuate dynamically against other currencies on foreign exchange markets assumes there is no fraud, no corruption, no manipulation, no short selling, no Soros.

Inflation is a direct result of this unstable fiat currency that has a ‘product end point’ wherein money is worthless.

The common denominators?

The formation of The Federal Reserve monetary policy manipulations – and the elimination of a value backing – gold.   In exchange for the promotion of ‘fiat paper money’ that is based on credit. Monopoly Money!   Asserting a Great RESET to crypto credit via the World Economic Forum is reminiscent of the era of the Dustbowl wherein greedy farmers issued credit against wages earned – with an attached fee to convert the credit to commodities or cash.


Because soon the dollar will enter negative territory as to its worth and debt will surpass $40 trillion as interest balloons to $1.5 trillion.   America will be broke. And credit based production will involve even more emotional parameters – including religion, politics, race, gender, and whatever the Banking Cartel wants based on – “FEELINGS”.l

(Article by Helena republished from

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