It’s A Mad Mad Mad World – Built on Illusions and LIES

Independent News:

I was reading The Economist headlines and began to get dragged down the rabbit hole. Every headline was a ‘demand’;   Niger needs to do this!   Germany needs to do this!   America needs to do this… It is the same mantra on Twitter;   Trump should… Biden should…   Stop doing…   Everyone is suddenly a dictator.   Worse – an ‘expert dictator’!

It is almost as though we are being prepared for the next phase – a nongovernmental corporate coup. Apparently, to take place after the new lockdowns slated for December.   Merry Christmas…

Here is a good one:    “Fentanyl is spreading the opioid crisis into America’s big cities”:     1)   why is fentanyl only a crisis in America?   2) Fentanyl isn’t spreading the crisis – people are!   It is the same argument they use regarding guns –   The criminals will simply find a substitute!   Because what IS spreading is criminal conduct unabated.

In 2021, the EU reported a total of 140 deaths associated with fentanyl – including for medical use.   The Economist:   Horrifying numbers of Americans will not make it to old age.   

What is the EU strategy against drug use?   “dismantling of organised crime groups that are involved in drug production and trafficking, efficient use of the criminal justice system, effective intelligence-led law enforcement, and attacking supply.”  Almost sounds like a normal strategy – just not the one employed by the US.

By contrast, America’s strategy is to provide an unlimited supply of drugs, syringes, paraphernalia, etc… because these poor defeated people need them.  This logic is the corrupted illusion.  Every city that is run by a democrat is also run by the drug lords.

For San Francisco, the Mexican Cartels hire Honduran immigrants to rule the streets.   Why did they pick San Francisco?   Because it has one of the most lax, nonexistent drug policies in the US.   As a result, Hondurans come to work every morning hawking their wares to the streets.   If, by any chance they are picked up by police, they are released by the DA within hours.  No charges.  The drugs are confiscated by police and sold back to the streets.  Nice little scam operation.

Over a million US citizens have died of a drug overdose in the last decade.   Of course, this is only an estimate given that actual statistics are not maintained.   In line with this guestimate is the homeless in the US which has reached roughly 600,000 – give or take a million.   And that’s the hit – they really don’t know shiitake.

Numbers and surveys are thrown around as though they have some relationship with reality when in fact they are completely fabricated.  ILLUSION.   Politico is loudly applauding at how the Inflation Reduction Act is working fabulously given it has ‘lowered energy costs, increased energy security, and created new jobs.

IT is a constant reimagining of reality

One year after the fact, The Biden Regime have announced that the Inflation Reduction Act really had nothing at all to do with – inflation.   Gosh, sorry folks, we had to LIE otherwise we would never have been able to pass the Bills .   All the money is really being siphoned for ‘decarbonization’ thru electricfication.   Everything must be controlled by The Grid. Because the government controls The Grid.

Of the $370 billion allocated on behalf of Greenies, nothing has actually been spent, just planned for factories, plants and electric cars.   Just in time, Ford CEO declared the electric pickup was a bad idea, and the company making electric buses filed for bankruptcy.  So what is planned? CHIP factories.   With outsourced employees.

The Infrastructure Law is also a rip-roaring success! Why they have ideas!   Pinky swear.   And buckaroo is busy reviewing applications as we speak!   Just no money.

In contrast to empty statements, wind and solar companies are increasingly going bankrupt. Over the past decade over 750 solar installation companies went bellyup.   New York Times: Oil Companies are collapsing, but wind and Solar Energy Keep Growing.

Are they borrowing from these Acts and Laws to funnel money to Ukraine?

Democrats are celebrating our vibrant and innovative economy – while American credit card debt has now surpassed $1 TRILLION.   What happens when a person doesn’t pay their debt?   The debt gets taken out of a paycheck forcibly.   No more Debt Nazi for you! NEXT!  That is – unless you are “Government” – then debt means – Open The Printing Press!

The economy spirals further. And collapsing the economies across the globe – IS the Game Plan.   If not by drugs, inflation, food crisis, water crisis, and job loss – then WAR.   A cycle they need in order to RESET the mess they have created.

Bill Gates has just announced, in all his climatology expertise wisdom, that even IF we reached net zero by 2030, it won’t change the weather – it won’t stop global warming – because according to his calculations the effects won’t actually be felt until – 2050!   Magic years!

And if we postpone the Gates initiatives, then 2050 become 2070 or not.   ILLUSION.

The only way to FIGHT the illusions and mass hypnosis is thru truth fact finding and reporting.   Each day more people are awakening to the fraud.   Each day we proceed like the Tortoise.   Each day we are called to strip away illusion after illusion.   The end product may not be pretty – but you can ONLY build on Truth

– while Chaos builds destruction.

(Article by Helena republished from

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