USAID Whistleblower: ‘Agency Funds Chemtrails to Chemically Lobotomize Americans’

The public outcry grew too loud to ignore – forcing the mainstream media to finally acknowledge what they’ve denied for years: mysterious planes crisscrossing the skies, spraying chemicals over cities, poisoning the population.

TPV: But don’t be fooled. They’re not telling you the full story. They’re dodging the real questions: What are these planes really doing? Who is flying them? Why is no one talking about the toxic, mind-altering chemicals they’re dumping on population centers? And – most importantly – who is pulling the strings behind it all?

Thanks to the collapse of the Deep State’s facade and the relentless investigative work of the TPV community and our partners, we’ve uncovered the truths they’ve fought tooth and nail to keep buried.

As the Deep State crumbles under the pressure of the Trump administration, long-buried secrets are finally spilling out. Secrets they never thought would see the light of day.

Like this: USAID—an agency that claims to be ‘humanitarian’—has been paying George Soros tens of millions of dollars of tax payer money to interfere in US politics.

But it doesn’t stop there. USAID has been funding the spraying of the American population with chemtrails.

Not for your health. Not for your safety. For control..

They’ve allocated two million dollars—your hard-earned tax dollars—just to spray the citizens of Idaho with heavy metal toxins. This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory. It’s a conspiracy fact, backed by contracts that are signed, sealed, and locked in until 2027. And that’s just one state.

If Idaho alone costs two million, how much are they spending to poison the rest of the country? How many more states? How many more lives are at risk?

But here’s the most disturbing part—Congress didn’t just know about it. They approved it. A five-year plan, fully funded, passed without question, ensuring that the spraying will continue, uninterrupted, through 2027. Think about that. 

They’re not planning to slow down. They’re planning to expand.

Dimming the sun—that’s the cover story. That’s what the mainstream media wants you to believe. They’ll tell you it’s all about fighting climate change, protecting the planet. But that’s just a smokescreen.

Behind the scenes, the global elite are using the so-called “climate crisis” to justify their darkest agendas—population control, social manipulation, and yes, chemtrails are no different.

This isn’t about saving the Earth. It’s about controlling the people on it.

But the people are waking up. They’re rising against this criminal conspiracy. Thanks to individuals like you—those who refuse to stay silent, who’ve spread the truth far and wide—the lies are crumbling, and the pressure is building.

People everywhere are standing up, speaking out, and making it harder for these criminals to operate in the shadows.

What you’re about to hear is a transmission from a white hat pilot reporting an unidentified aircraft. The plane is dropping contrails without clearance—no flight plan, no identification.

At the same time, insiders with firsthand knowledge of the industry are stepping forward, blowing the whistle on the government’s direct involvement in spraying its own citizens.

This isn’t random. It’s not a series of isolated incidents. This buildup—everything we’ve been exposing—is part of the final phase of the conspiracy. A phase designed with one goal in mind: total mind control and the systematic enslavement of the population in 2025.

We’re not talking about some distant future or hypothetical scenario. The timeline is real. The agenda is active. And every piece is falling into place right in front of us.

For decades, the mainstream media has insisted that chemtrails are nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory, pushed by so-called ‘tin-foil hat’ wearers who deserve to be mocked and ridiculed.

Fast forward to 2024, and something has changed. The mainstream media is no longer being told to ridicule the so-called conspiracy theory.

Now, they’re being instructed to act like everyone has always known about chemtrails, that they’re perfectly normal, harmless, and, in fact, beneficial.

But we know that is just more gaslighting. Farmers across the United States are reporting dramatic changes in soil composition. The amount of Aluminum in the soil is five to ten times greater than just last year.

This is why more people are rising up against the criminals behind this conspiracy, including those within government agencies responsible for crimes against the people.

According to a USAID whistleblower, Bill Gates is behind tens of millions of dollars—possibly even more—funnelled through government programs with harmless-sounding names. But don’t be fooled. The true purpose of these funds? To spray the public. This isn’t speculation. It’s a coordinated operation, hidden in plain sight, disguised as aid and research while poisoning the very people it claims to protect.

We’ve exposed the ringleaders—the ones funding and orchestrating the operation from the very top. But it doesn’t stop there. The individuals carrying out these crimes can be held accountable too.

Take this brave woman, for example. She caught two chemtrail pilots in the act—spraying toxins from 15,000 feet, poisoning the very air her family breathes. She didn’t stay silent. She took action.

And her story is just the beginning.

Cutting off the money supply through USAID seems to have temporarily stalled chemtrail operations—at least, that’s what eyewitnesses across America are reporting.

But while this is a step in the right direction, it’s not the end. We can’t afford to get comfortable. We must stay vigilant, because when operations this big get disrupted, those pulling the strings don’t back down—they adapt.

It’s not just in the US. It appears the USAID money was funding pilots to spray chemtrails over populations in Europe, which have also reported clearer skies since the funding cuts.

There is even more hope on the horizon. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., once confirmed as head of the Department of Health and Human Services, has vowed to end what he calls the “crime of chemtrails”—and let’s face it, we can’t get him confirmed soon enough.


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