Pregnant ‘Man’ Visits Canadian Schoolchildren Without Their Parents’ Knowledge or Permission

(LifeSiteNews) — In 2023, Planned Parenthood was suspended from doing presentations in Saskatchewan schools after the content of “ABC sex cards” that they made available to Grade 9 students were revealed. The cards encouraged porn use, urinating and defecating on one’s partner, and a wide range of other perverse sexual practices, most of which are too graphic to describe. Just one example of a card the Grade 9 students were given:

Non-traditional sex. What’s non-traditional to one might not be to another. For some, being restrained with a ball gag, while being tickled by their hooded master is an everyday occurrence. What do you consider kinky? 

The following year, a similar scandal hit New Brunswick. Then-premier Blaine Higgs tweeted out a photograph of a slide from a sex education presentation given in a New Brunswick school. The slide featured red lips closing on a lollipop, the title “Thirsty For The Talk,” and the questions: “Is it normal to watch porn like people watch TV series?”; “Do girls masturbate?” and “Is it good or bad to do anal?” The presentation, Higgs stated, was given by an outside group without permission, and emphasized why parental rights and involvement in the education of their children is so essential. 

Image Credit: mikemurphy photography / Getty 

But as I have noted before, those seeking to influence the minds of the young will always seek ways to get around the largely anemic parental rights laws. On February 4, the Western Standard broke another story about the perversity being brought to Canadian schools. From Christopher Oldcorn

A “pregnant man’s” classroom visit at École W.S. Hawrylak School has left some parents and Regina Public Schools (RPS) employees upset about the lack of parental notification and consent.  The unannounced visit took place in January, according to a source within the school, who said they were “horrified and mortified” that it happened without parents knowing about it. 

Parents said these visits are another sign that RPS is promoting radical gender ideology, while ignoring Bill 137, known as the Parents Rights Bill, which calls for more transparency and involvement of parents in discussions about gender identity and sexuality.  

By “pregnant man,” of course, Oldcorn likely refers to a trans-identifying woman. Men cannot get pregnant because they are men. This is the sort of thing children once learned at school (or, alternatively, was considered so obvious that it was unnecessary to teach). Oldcorn noted that last month Premier Scott Moe told “government directed school boards to revise their bathroom and changing room policy, but RPS has stated it will continue following the Canadian Charter of Rights and the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code instead.” Parents have indicated that they wanted “clearer communication and input when sensitive topics such as transgenderism are brought into the classroom.” 

École W.S. Hawrylak School, a kindergarten to Grade 8 facility “located in Regina’s east end, shares a transgender Education Assistant with Harbour Landing School,” meaning that the students exposed to the pregnant ‘man’ were very young. Oldcorn reported that Regina Public Schools has not issued a response to the incident. This situation highlights, once again, how difficult it is for provincial governments—even when they do take action—to stop educators from disseminating their ideology at will.  

Educators (in many cases rightly) suspect that courts and human rights tribunals will side with them when push comes to shove, and that thus introducing children to gender ideology will probably come at a low cost. Even if they do end up in court, they can rely on an entirely sympathetic press—with the exception of a few alternative outlets—to back them to the hilt and present them as champions of human rights.  

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