Bird Flu Terror: Egg Rationing Hits U.S. Grocery Stores

An accurate accounting of just how many chickens have been slaughtered in the name of The Science™ — in the name of combatting a virus that has never been shown to transmit from human to human and is vanishingly rare even with the occasional fraudulent PCR positive they can gin up — would be difficult to ascertain.

But even by corporate state media metrics, it’s in the hundreds of millions.

Via CBS News (emphasis added):

“Whether it's ducks or chickens, since the current strain of bird flu, H5N1, reached the United States in 2022, over 148 million birds have been ordered euthanized.

"It's a staggering number, there is no doubt," said Jodie Guest, a professor of epidemiology with Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta. "But it is, and always has been a policy across administrations, with the USDA, that this is how they handle infections like this among poultry. And as we've seen bird flu move [across] species, it becomes even more important to try to contain that infection in the flocks that it's in, so that we don't continue to see spread."”

I’m no supply chain logistics guru, but it seems to me that the coordinated killing of hundreds of millions of the things that pop out eggs might put a dent in egg production.

The MSNBC race lady, however, blames Donald Trump, who has been in office for three weeks.

Fox Business, similarly, wants you to know that it wasn’t the techno-fascists in hazmat suits who slithered their way into chicken coups with a vendetta who actually robbed Americans of all those eggs — it was a shortage “caused by outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza”!

The baby-angel Scientists™ simply have no agency.

The virus, through mind control, one of its many versatile symptoms, placed the industrial hose in those USDA bureaucrats’ hands and throttled the firefighting foam all over those chickens until they suffocated and died.

Via Fox Business (emphasis added):

Costco, Kroger and Whole Foods are among the growing list of grocers that are putting a purchasing limit on eggs as supply shortages persist.

Companies started imposing limits on the product as the shortage caused by outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)*, or bird flu, persists, causing a frenzy among shoppers. Droves of viral videos have surfaced in recent weeks, showing shoppers stockpiling eggs. One video posted on TikTok claimed that an entire section of eggs at a Costco was gone in less than 10 minutes.

Amazon-owned Whole Foods posted signs on its shelves notifying customers that customers can only buy three cartons of eggs at one time.

"We are currently experiencing difficulty sourcing eggs that meet our strict animal welfare standards," a sign posted at one of its stores in New York City read.”

*Once again, this is a literal rehashing of the exact COVID playbook, in which technocrats nuke the economy and then, instead of taking the blame, point the finger at an inert and obscure virus — and, of course, “anti-vaxxers.”

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

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