Bioterror Roundup: ‘Mr. Officer, Please Don’t Look in My Trunk For That Girl I Kidnapped and Decapitated’

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The latest updates on the “new normal” — chronicling the lies, distortions, and abuses by the ruling class.

Corporate state media gives the game away with vaxx safety testing histrionics

When RFK Jr. claims that there have never been any real long-term, placebo-controlled safety studies of the childhood vaccines recommended by the FDA — any of the 72 of them — that’s literally true.

The rationale, explained by the hacks at “Science-Based Medicine,” is that leaving a control group of kids unvaxxed to study the safety and efficacy of whatever vaccine is something bad called “unethical” — as opposed to the entirely ethical practice of rubber-stamping experimental drugs for children just to see what happens, as the FDA explicitly acknowledged it did back in 2021 when it approved the shots for 5-11-year-olds.

"We're never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is unless we start giving it."
-Dr. Eric Rubin, FDA VRBPAC Advisory Committee on approving COVID vaxx for 5-11-year-olds

Via Science-Based Medicine:

The only time that a placebo-controlled RCT of a vaccine can be ethically justified is when there currently does not exist a safe and effective vaccine against the disease for which the experimental vaccine has been designed. Again, just as it is unethical to randomize a cancer patient to a placebo control group when there exists effective chemotherapy that is standard-of-care, so too is it unethical to randomize a subject to a saline placebo group in a vaccine RCT when there already exists a licensed vaccine that is considered standard-of-care for the same disease. It is unethical to leave a child unprotected against measles in order to test a new measles vaccine.”

The corporate state media hacks and their politician friends on the take betray their own corruption and culpability when they go out in front of cameras to spout industry talking points regarding “vaccine safety.”

It’s “absolutely irresponsible” to propose investigating a potential link between autism and vaccines, Sen. Ed Markey tells MSNBC news actress Andrea Mitchell, who prefaces her interview by claiming that the meteoric rise in autism rates in American kids is just because The Science™ has gotten better at diagnosing it [no evidence provided].

Who is Senator Markey to speak with any authority about “vaccine safety”? Is he an “expert”? According to his bio, he’s a sleazy (okay, I added the “sleazy” prefix) lifelong Congressman with a J.D. (law degree) from Boston College.

Whatever his lack of expertise in other fields, though, Markey’s certainly an expert in raising money from special interests. Per Open Secrets, among his top donors for 2019-2024 that have a vested interest in keeping the biomedical gravy train rolling include:

· Google

· Harvard University

· Blackstone Group

· Massachusetts General Hospital

· Tufts University

· Northwest Biotherapeutics

· KabaFusion, “providing safe and effective transitions for our adult and pediatric patients onto infusion treatment services”

Isn’t it funny, in a bitter sort of way, that we are exhorted to only listen to the “experts” and discount all other voices — no matter how rational or well-informed — when a non-“expert” is dispensing information that runs counter to the pharmaceutical industry narrative, yet when non-“experts” spout industry talking points, MSNBC is all ears.

Mind you, all of this hysteria is in response to RFK Jr. previewing safety studies of vaccines, not banning them; in fact, he explicitly promised he would not outlaw any vaccines in the childhood schedule, which would leave NPC parents to go nuts with on their own kids with the needle if they so choose.

That’s called “freedom.”

Which begs the question: why the frantic protestations?

Generally speaking, criminals suspected of beheading children they picked up in public parks by luring them in with free candy begging cops “please don’t look in the trunk of my car” serves not to avert their attention from the trunk but rather to pique their interest, no?

Ben Bartee is an independent Bangkok-based American journalist with opposable thumbs.

Planet Today

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