WEF Insider Says Iron Dome Was ‘Switched Off’ in Inside Job to Spark World War 3

Iran’s attacks on Israel are part of an elaborate “inside job” by the global elite who are working to ensure the conflict will ignite a “holy war” that will rapidly spiral out of control into World War Three, paving the way for the elite to install a “one world government.”

According to an insider, recent events in the Middle East, including the Israel-Hamas war and now the conflict with Iran have been planned by the global elite and are now playing out to the letter – with the ultimate goal of shaping the world in their own image.

But there is just one problem for the globalists and their plans to spark World War 3 and enslave the human race. Their plans rely on the people of the world remaining ignorant – and we are not going to let that happen.

Israel’s famous Iron Dome missile defense system was turned off to allow Iranian missiles to rain down on Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and surrounding parts of Israel, according to a World Economic Forum insider who warns the Israelis and their globalist allies are hell bent on igniting a full-scale Third World War involving Iran, Russia and China.

People in the region were shocked because the Iron Dome has been operating successfully for 13 years, shooting down missiles by their thousands.

Scenes from Israel of rockets piercing the dome and landing indiscriminately across the nation, destroying infrastructure, are extraordinary and have never been seen before.

So why did the Iron Dome fail exactly when the Netanyahu government was looking for an excuse to expand the Gaza war into the rest of the Middle East, bring major powers into the conflict, and spark World War 3?

I appear to have answered my own question there.

Netanyahu is channeling his inner George Bush Jr., vowing to “liberate” the people of Iran and bring them freedom and democracy — just as Bush promised Iraq before the neocons opened the gates of hell, leading to 4.5 million deaths and leaving the region worse off than ever before.

Netanyahu is cut from the same cloth. Listen as he ominously warns Iran will be overthrown “sooner than people think.”

If Israel switching off the Iron Dome to allow an attack sounds familiar, it should. It echoes the events of October 7 last year, when Israel’s cutting-edge intelligence at the Gaza border failed to detect the Hamas assault.

It doesn’t take a genius to detect a pattern here.

Whistleblowers have revealed that Israel allowed the October 7 attack, permitting civilian casualties and even taking part in the slaughter of their own people with helicopter gunships.

All of this was done to justify the brutal war in Gaza, which is still raging and now spreading to Lebanon and Iran — exactly as the global elite planned.

According to a World Economic Forum insider, Israel’s planned invasion of Iran will trigger involvement from the United States, Russia, and China, creating a powder keg that that will finally ignite World War 3.

As the global elite prepare to plunge humanity into World War 3 for their own benefit, it has never been more important to understand the finer points of their psychopathic plan.

Rothschild admitted his family created Israel as part of the great master plan for World War 3 – and now the agenda is playing out before our very eyes.

Last year the People’s Voice broke the news that the son of a Hamas leader admitted the militant group was created by the CIA to do the global elite’s bidding.

Then a former Israeli intelligence agent blew the whistle and exposed the October 7 Hamas attack as a globalist false flag.

Since then, the evidence for the Israel-Hamas false flag has continued rolling in.

At this point, only those who are still watching CNN and the BBC are in the dark about the real nature of the conflict in the Middle East.

There is no longer any need to wonder why Israeli military took 7 hours to respond to the Hamas attacks on October 7.

Or why the Iron Dome missile defense conveniently failed right when the global elite are searching for an excuse to push the world into World War 3.

As the world lurches towards the war the elites and bankers are dreaming about, it’s impossible not to notice that the dominoes have been falling exactly the way they have been planning for centuries.

That’s right – this plan has been in the works for over one hundred years.

How do we know? Because they’ve laid it all out for us. It’s called Revelation of the Method — an occult ritual where the elites openly reveal their plans through media, speeches, and symbols, subtly conditioning the public to accept their agenda while hiding in plain sight.

In a chilling letter, it was predicted that the First and Second World Wars would happen, and it also warned of a third global conflict between Israel and the West versus the Muslim world.

This letter, written by Albert Pike 153 years ago, details how the elites intend to orchestrate three world wars to gain total control over humanity.

Pike’s predictions for World War 1 and World War 2 proved to be uncannily accurate. So perhaps more people should be paying attention to what he said about the third.

We have already seen what the New World Order has done with Islam. They have used it to foment a crisis, a clash of civilizations. Make no mistake, the New World Order is fomenting another crisis with Hamas and now Iran to achieve its goals.

Albert Pike is recorded as saying his military program might take 100 years or a little longer to reach the day when the Luciferian elite will crown their leader King-despot of the entire world, and impose a totalitarian dictatorship upon what is left of the human race.

It has all been mapped out.

The global elite are following Pike’s predictions to the letter. Only through understanding the history of the Illuminati can we possibly understand the present state of the world, and make sure the globalist elite does not shape our future.



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