Top Surgeon Warns ‘Turbo Cancers’ With ‘Unnatural Traits’ Surging in COVID-Vaccinated Population

Leading British colorectal surgeon Dr. James Royle voiced serious concerns regarding the increase in aggressive cancers among COVID-vaccinated individuals, acknowledging that these cancers are displaying traits and behavior never seen before the COVID vaccine rollout.

Royle, who has served as an NHS consultant in Northern England for nearly a decade, presented his findings at Stormont during the fourth session of The Stone Summit, highlighting the rise of what he described as “turbo cancers.”

During his presentation, Royle outlined the devastating impact of lockdowns on healthcare and highlighted their failures. He described unusual cases of pulmonary thrombosis in follow-up patients with colorectal cancer and noted a disturbing increase in aggressive, multi-site cancer recurrences, especially among younger patients.

Reflecting on the early pandemic days, Royle shared, “To me, our hospital never felt overwhelmed.” He criticized the fear-driven messaging that intensified public anxiety, explaining, “This was a pandemic of fear.”

Lockdowns, Royle argued, not only failed but also had devastating consequences on public health, leading to increased stress, vitamin deficiencies, and worsening chronic health issues. These factors, he suggested, contributed to poorer COVID-19 outcomes. The vaccine rollout only compounded these problems, he said.

Skeptical from the beginning, Royle drew a line at vaccinating healthy children.

“From about March 2021, I started noticing new patterns of disease that I had never seen before in my patients,” he said. Among the first signs were unusual blood clots and necrotising pancreatitis.

Additionally, Royle noted an increase in severe inflammatory cases, such as gangrenous cholecystitis and perforated appendicitis, which he described as “unusual.”

He also observed a rise in appendix cancers, a rare type, and a significant increase in aggressive cancers across age groups since the vaccine rollout.

“These cancers have been termed colloquially ‘turbo cancers,’” Royle stated, adding, “Obviously this is not a scientific term, but it seems to reflect the aggressive biological nature being observed by the public as well as clinicians.”

Stone Summit: Stormont, Belfast – Session 4 With Dr. James Royle, 14 October 2024 (timestamp 13:20)

Royle shared his assertion, supported by oncologists and colleagues worldwide, that these cancers present with “different biology.” In the past two years, he has witnessed rapid recurrences in previously cured cancer cases and unexpectedly advanced cancers among middle-aged and elderly patients.

He noted, “Middle-aged and elderly people are presenting with out-of-the-blue stage 4 colorectal cancer… In many of these cases, the entire liver appears to be filled with large round tumour masses. It is horrific to see on a weekly basis.”

Royle explained that previously rare occurrences, like multiple synchronous bowel cancers, are appearing more frequently. He pointed out that his multidisciplinary teams have observed similar trends in the frequency and severity of these cases over the last two years.

While exploring potential explanations, Royle ruled out all except one: the correlation between these cancer cases and the rollout of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

This connection, he argued, meets most of the Bradford-Hill criteria for causation. He listed potential mechanisms, including bacterial plasmid contamination and disruption of immune responses, which may contribute to cancer growth and recurrence.

Dr. James Royle warns of a surge in “turbo cancer” among the vaccinated population

Royle submitted over 20 Yellow Card reports to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) since June 2021. However, he said the MHRA provided little feedback and, in his view, failed to address these safety signals adequately.

In conclusion, Royle stated, “The data are clear that the COVID-19 vaccines are neither effective nor safe. My own personal observations are being increasingly backed up by other data around the world in research studies as well as expert opinion in other centers.”

He also called for an immediate halt to vaccine promotion.

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