Pope Francis Declares Jesus Is a Liar, and Lucifer is Son of God

Pope Francis has said practicing pedophiles will go to heaven, prophesying atheists will go to heaven, and Christianity must merge with Islam to become a one world religion.

Still, his supporters bend over backwards to defend the indefensible.

Now the Jesuit pope has declared that Jesus is a liar and Lucifer, son of the morning, is the son of God.

Good luck defending him this time.

According to Pope Francis, the Bible must be fact checked by the World Economic Forum, parents of abused children must forgive pedophiles if the perpetrators have good hearts, and, wait for it… Jesus is Satan.

Pope Francis’ comments have caused outrage in the Vatican with many archbishops calling for his head, but given the disturbing facts coming out about the Jesuit pope, should we really be surprised by his support for Klaus Schwab’s Nazi-style eugenics and depopulation programs?

The sooner the world wakes up and sees Pope Francis for what he truly is—a false prophet doing the devil’s work—the better off we’ll all be.

Pope Francis recently did an interview with Laura O’Donnell of CBS and in this interview Pope Francis explicitly denies this gospel of Jesus Christ.

There is no way to take his words out of context. There is no defending him this time.

When asked what gives him hope, he says that everything gives him hope because we are all fundamentally good.

The Bible begs to differ. Check out Ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 20. Or Romans chapter 3 verse 10 through 12.

The pope is teaching an explicit denial of the original sin. This wasn’t a throwaway comment. He belabored the point. He emphasized it.

For those who’ve been watching Pope Francis closely, this won’t come as a surprise. He’s been contradicting the Bible and inverting core Christian teachings for years now.

In New York City, he even went as far as to preach that Jesus Christ is a failure—according to Francis, the life of Jesus was a flop.

The Pope’s defenders argue that he messed up his words, but this is not the case. Pope Francis’ disturbing teachings show no signs of stopping. He is intent on promoting a one-world religion that merges Islam and Christianity, pushing an agenda that is the exact opposite of traditional Christian beliefs.

Why is the pope determined to normalize pedophilia and downplay the evil of radical Islamic terrorism?

Is it because he is determined to unite Christians and Muslims in a one world religion that will be part of the one world government he is actively promoting as an Agenda Contributor at the World Economic Forum?

The Bible is clear that Christians are the children of Abraham, not anybody else, yet the pope has decided to overrule the scripture and declare Muslims to be within the same family.

Here’s the Pope claiming we all share the same father, despite the Bible clearly stating that God is the Father only to those who repent and turn to Him.

Pope Francis is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, spreading a twisted gospel — one that seems more aligned with Lucifer’s message. According to his inverted version of Christianity, “do as thou wilt” becomes the highest law.

Is Pope Francis the Antichrist? Leaked WikiLeaks emails, along with insights from Pope Benedict and Archbishop Viganò, reveal a surprising answer.

The second book of Peter chapter two verse two warns that there are false prophets among us, even denying the Lord that bought them.

It would make perfect sense that a false prophet was installed on his throne by the unholy trinity of George Soros, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Leaked WikiLeaks emails reveal how Soros, Obama, and Clinton orchestrated a coup within the Vatican, ousting the conservative Pope Benedict and installing radical leftist Pope Francis in his place.

What did Benedict make of the situation?

From the moment that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio became pope in 2013, prophecy experts expressed their alarm, claiming that the new pope is “Peter the Roman,” the fulfillment of an extraordinarily accurate ancient prophecy.

According to the prophecy that has accurately predicted each and every pope in recent years, Francis will be the final pope and the end of the world because he is the antichrist.

This is where it gets really shocking.

Before he was pope, Bergoglio was Archbishop of Buenos Aires from 1998 to 2013 and President of the Argentine Bishops’ Conference from 2005 to 2011, and he did nothing, absolutely nothing, to fight sexual abuse.

Why? Because he was in on it. The Jesuit child rapist was just too clever and well-connected to get caught. 

This is why Archbishop Vigano is adamant that Francis is a false prophet. And Vigano is not the only one. There is a growing movement within the church who are convinced Francis is a demon stalking the hallways of the Vatican who must be deposed before it’s too late.

The world is now at a tipping point. A battle is raging for the soul of humanity. The globalists and their techno-communist dreams of authoritarian rule threaten to consume humanity and destroy civilization as we know it.

We should keep a very close eye on this Jesuit pope during these pivotal years.



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