"Vice President Tulsi Gabbard"

If it wasn’t evident going into yesterday that President Joe Biden was going to need to step aside, all doubts should now be out of the way.

For his opening act on Thursday, Biden made his way out of bed and to the NATO summit across town, all for the honor of stepping on stage and referring to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy — whom U.S. taxpayers have gifted hundreds of billions of dollars at Biden’s direction to fight Russia — as “President Putin”. To refer to Zelenskiy as Putin, and at a NATO event nonetheless, is about as big of a f*ck up as you can possibly make given the world’s geopolitical climate right now.

This would have been like introducing President George W. Bush throwing out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium after 9/11 as “President Osama Bin Laden”.

And if you weren’t in stitches after his first set, Biden returned later in the evening for an encore at the much heralded ‘Big Boy’ press conference he had been scheduled to give in order to show the world, to quote the movie Big Daddy, that he could “wipe his own ass”.

But instead of instilling confidence in the nation, Biden coughed, mumbled and stumbled his way through about an hour’s worth of prepared remarks and softball questions.

At one point, he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump”.

Sadly, Biden is slurring his words far more noticeably each day. Even for a skeptic of Biden’s, I had to sigh and turn the press conference off before it finished, writing on X last night: “He is cooked. This has to be the end.”

In other words, even for us conservatives, libertarians and critics of the Biden administration, it’s just getting difficult to watch. Each day jokes about elder abuse look closer and closer to reality, and the humor of a massive clusterf*ck in the Democratic political arena is eroded away by the blossoming realization that it’s simply depressing to watch a human being — somebody’s son, father and husband — deteriorate publicly, without dignity, and surrounded by people too cowardly to do the right thing for him.

The gaffes last night quickly shot down what little chance Biden had of trying to stay in the race, in my opinion. I know it’s technically “up to him” but the powers that be couldn’t have scripted a worse outcome than him calling Zelenskiy “Putin” and then calling Harris “Trump”. Biden’s goose is cooked, mark my words.

This means, as I pointed out days ago, the Democrats are likely going to promote Vice President Airhead to the potential nominee spot, despite her outright horrific polling in the 2020 primaries and the fact that for the most part it appears the country still finds her detestable.

And while the Trump campaign has publicly stated they are happy to sit back and watch the Democrats self-immolate, I also believe they are holding off on announcing their Vice President pick until the Democratic nominee is solidified. There’s going to be a significant amount of strategy that goes into Trump’s VP pick: pick someone innocuous because you’re leading or continue on offense? Target minority demographics with a person of color or pick the best person for the job? Find someone who can be as aggressive as Trump or settle for someone who knows how to play the role of second fiddle? I played out a number of these scenarios last month.

Without trying to answer all of these questions, I’m certain I can answer one: if Kamala Harris winds up as the Democratic nominee, Trump must pick Tulsi Gabbard as his Vice President. There is no better option.

Not only is Tulsi world famous for having already beat Kamala to a pulp during the 2020 primary debates…

…but she’s also is extraordinarily intelligent and well spoken…

…and happens to be an active member of the U.S. military and a woman. She didn’t have to do any “favors” to make her way in the political world, she has had the courage to stand up to the most terrifying political force, the Clintons, in 2019 accurately calling Hillary the “personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long”.

Additionally, Tulsi’s long held non-interventionist foreign policy ideas fall in line with Trump’s policy of “let’s just use some common sense and get these global conflicts settled and stop the killing, regardless of who is deemed the ‘winner’”. She has made it clear that avoiding World War 3 is far more important to her than prolonging wars and changing regimes overseas. While Nikki Haley’s lobbyists may not like this, it’s what’s best for the nation.

Photo: The New Yorker

If you’re a Trump strategist, you have to know that Tulsi not only immediately throws a wet blanket over all the independents who would vote for Kamala because she’s a woman, but in my opinion would also be a perfect compliment for Trump’s style. Tulsi could soften Trump’s image up a bit — she is rife with charming moments — but could also help hold the ‘edge’ Trump conducts business, especially foreign policy business, with. At the end of the day Tulsi went to boot camp and, let’s be honest, could probably kick Kamala Harris’ ass in a fight.

But, like Trump, I’m sure she’d rather just emanate ‘peace through strength’. And you can say what you want about that strategy, but it kept us out of wars and kept the world at peace for the 4 years Trump was in office. It’s tough to argue with those results. Aloha, Tulsi!

Submitted by QTR's Fringe Finance

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