The End of Civilization is Near! Scientists Building Mysterious ‘Black Box’ to Record the End of Civilization

The global elite have been warning us for decades about their plans for global depopulation. However, scientists are now convinced the apocalypse is coming and they are building a giant “black box” to record the end of humanity for future civilizations.

If — or when — human civilization collapses, what will remain? Maybe the Egyptian pyramids. Or perhaps the Statue of Liberty will be just like in the movie “Planet of the Apes.”

Overall, though, there might not be a lot of evidence left behind about what humanity accomplished — or what resulted in its downfall. But that just means there's more room for imagination!

Futurism report: One team of researchers wants to change that. Their solution? A massive, indestructible box that’ll record scientific data to give future civilizations insight on how exactly humanity fell.

The project, dubbed Earth’s Black Box, will be an immense steel monolith installed in a remote location in Tasmania, Australia.

It’s akin to the black boxes that are designed to survive airplane crashes and provide investigators valuable data on what led to the disaster — except on a global scale.

The project is a collaboration between researchers at the University of Tasmania, marketing agency Clemenger BBDO, and creative agency The Glue Society. 

The team is designing the box to record climate data such as atmospheric CO2 levels, sea temperatures, and energy consumption levels.

It will also gather contextual information like news headlines and social media posts. 

“The idea is if the Earth does crash as a result of climate change, this indestructible recording device will be there for whoever’s left to learn from that,” said Jim Curtis, the executive creative director at Clemenger BBDO. 

The box itself will be made from three-inch-thick steel and cantilevered off granite. Inside will be a system of Internet-connected storage drives powered by solar panels on the box’s roof. 

“It’s built to outlive us all,” Jonathan Kneebone, cofounder of the Glue Society, told ABC.

“If the worst does happen, just because the power grids go down, this thing will still be there.”

The biggest issue for the team now is how to help future civilizations access the information it contains.

After all, they’ll just find a mysterious monolith out in the middle of nowhere — and we know how that worked out for us already.

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