Princeton Professor Says ‘Zoophilia Is Morally Permissible,’ Demands LGBTQI+ Add a Z

Sex with animals should no longer be considered taboo in society, according to Princeton University professor Peter Singer who has declared that it is time for society accept that zoophilia is “morally permissible.”

According to the Daily Caller, Peter Singer is a far-left bioethics professor at Princeton’s University Center for Human Values.

Singer also describes himself as an animal rights activist, having written such books as “Why Vegan? Eating Ethically,” and “Animal Liberation Now.”

On Wednesday, Singer tweeted a link to a journal article titled “Zoophilia is Morally Permissible,” which he described as “thought-provoking” and said “challenges one of society’s strongest taboos.”

This piece challenges one of society’s strongest taboos and argues for the moral permissibility of some forms of sexual contact between humans and animals. This article offers a controversial perspective that calls for a serious and open discussion on animal ethics and sex ethics,” Singer posted on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

The article, written under the pseudonym “Fira Bensto,” declares that there is “nothing wrong” with humans having sex with animals. It was first published in October in the “Journal of Controversial Ideas.”

“Sex with animals is a powerful social taboo that exposes its practitioners to utmost indignation and stigma,” the article reads in part.

“Zoophilia is one of the few sexual orientations (along with e.g. necrophilia or pedophilia) that remain off­-limits and have been left aside from the sexual liberation movement in the past fifty years. I would like to argue that this is a mistake. There is in fact nothing wrong with having sex with animals: it is not an inherently problematic sexual practice.”

Singer has voiced other bizarre opinions in the past, including arguing that people should avoid eating meat in order to prevent global warming and to encourage a more “humane” treatment of animals.

“The year of the first Earth Day, 1970, was the year I stopped eating meat,” Singer once wrote in the New York Times.

“I didn’t do it to save the Earth, but because I realized that there is no ethical justification for treating animals like machines for converting feed into meat, milk and eggs.”

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