Javier ‘Chainsaw’ Milei Is Again Leading the Polls for Agentina’s Runoff Presidential Election – To the Dismay of the Globalist Media

Massa broke Argentina, but MSM would have you worry about Milei.

The leftist Peronist administrations have all but destroyed Argentina economy and put astonishing 40% of the population below poverty level.

But hey – the Globalism media would have you believe that the grave danger to its economy is the conservative Javier Milei.

How can they keep a straight face while supporting the ECONOMY minister Sergio Massa, the architect of the economic demise of the nation?

So, when the first round of voting showed Massa in first place, the jubilations around the MSM were copious, with many assurances that Argentina ‘may yet prevent the worst’.

However, the celebrations may have been a bit ahead of time, since the polls for the upcoming November 19 runup vote show that Milei still holds an edge over his rival.

Bloomberg reported:

“Javier Milei, the libertarian outsider promising to scrap Argentina’s currency and central bank, continues to hold a slight polling edge over his Peronist rival with just over a week to go before the Nov. 19 presidential runoff.

Brazil-based AtlasIntel puts Milei’s support at 49% compared to 45% for Economy Minister Sergio Massa, according to a poll released Friday. Discounting blank votes, annulled votes and undecideds — which is the way the winner will ultimately be decided — the libertarian’s lead is 52% to 48%.

The results are essentially unchanged from another poll by the same firm a week ago. Atlas was one of the few pollsters that accurately predicted Massa would vault ahead of Milei in the Oct. 22 first-round vote.”

Massa is promising a more centrist version of leftist Peronism – what else can he do? He’s the man in charge of the catastrophe. In any sane country, he’d not have a shot.

Milei promises to slash state spending and waste – which is a scourge in all Latin America. He also vowed to change the peso for the US dollar and – oh the horror! – shut down Argentina’s central bank to thwart inflation.

Whoever wins the most votes in the runoff will become Argentina’s next president, with a new government taking office right away on Dec. 10.

A group of 100 ‘economists’ has just released yet another letter warning about the dangers of Milei.

They predict it would inflict further economic ‘devastation’ and social chaos on the South American country.

The Guardian reported:

“The letter said Milei’s proposals – while presented as ‘a radical departure from traditional economic thinking’ – were actually ‘rooted in laissez-faire economics’ and ‘fraught with risks that make them potentially very harmful for the Argentine economy and the Argentine people’.

On the campaign trail, Milei – a self-described anarcho-capitalist – has brandished a chainsaw to symbolize his desire to slash subsidies and drastically reduce state expenditure on social programmes. He has also repeatedly claimed ‘taxes are theft’ and called the ‘social justice’ programmes they finance an ‘aberration’. ‘The state was invented by the devil, God’s system is the free market’, he has said.”

Milei was considered the favorite before last month’s first round but finished with 29.9% of votes to Massa’s 36.6% – let’s just pretend we trust these numbers.

Since then, however, he was endorsed by two prominent conservatives: the third-placed candidate, Patricia Bullrich, and the former president Mauricio Macri.

And also, fuel shortages have also furher undermined Massa’s campaign.

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