Canadian government to spend $4.3M on abortions and birth control to manage indigenous populations

Independent News:

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party has announced that it is designating $4.3 million to pay for access to “sexual and reproductive rights” for indigenous people there, but many are concerned that the project is really an effort to make abortions and contraception more readily accessible to a group that has historically been subject to forced sterilization.

The money will be sent to reproductive and sexual health projects being carried out by the National Council of Indigenous Midwives, the Provincial Health Services Authority of British Columbia, the Native Women’s Association of Canada and other groups.

Canada already has a very liberal stance on abortion, allowing women to have a child aborted at any time throughout pregnancy until the moment of birth without providing any justification. It is the only democratic nation in the world that does not have laws that protect preborn life, according to LifeSiteNews.

Unfortunately, Canada has a long history of mistreating indigenous people, including subjecting them to forced sterilizations and abortions in keeping with eugenics legislation that considered them to be inferior.

Campaign Life Coalition Communications Director Pete Baklinski asked: “What do the Trudeau Liberals have against indigenous peoples that they are aggressively funding the killing of their treasured offspring by promoting abortion in their communities?”

He added: “I thought ‘every child matters’ when it comes to respecting the lives of indigenous peoples, especially their children? I guess not for the Trudeau Liberals.”

Baklinski said that all Canadians should be outraged by the targeting of indigenous people for extinction.

Indigenous women have long been subjected to coerced abortions and sterilizations

Earlier this year, a class action lawsuit was filed against the government of British Columbia on behalf of a group of indigenous women who underwent coerced abortions or sterilizations, a practice the suit says has been going on since 1973.

Canada has more than 600 indigenous communities, and indigenous people make up around five percent of the Canadian population, residing largely in the northern part of the country.

According to the lawsuit, the government of British Columbia played a role in fostering an atmosphere of racism in hospitals that received provincial funding.

The suit asserts: “Coerced sterilization and abortion involving Indigenous women was, and remains, a form of sexism and genocide — a practice directed at eradicating Indigenous people and their cultures.”

The suit has two representative plaintiffs. One is a member of the Penticton Indian Band. She said that before delivering her second son via C-section, she was asked to sign papers in the hospital that turned out to be authorization for a tubal ligation – a type of surgical sterilization that she never wanted. She said she became depressed when she and her husband later tried to have another child and she realized what had happened.

The other representative is a 41-year-old member of the Wet’suwet’en Nation who says that she was scheduled to get an abortion as a teen after being pressured by her mother, boyfriend and the attending doctor at the hospital. However, when she told the medical professionals that she had changed her mind and wanted to keep her baby, they ignored her, holding her down and putting a mask on her face that rendered her unconscious; when she awoke, her baby was gone.

Although there is no official count of the number of women who have been sterilized without their consent or knowledge, Senator Yvonne Boyer, who has Indigenous Metis heritage, estimates the figure to be more than 12,000.

Boyer noted: “Whenever I speak to an Indigenous community, I am swamped with women telling me that forced sterilization happened to them.”

The Canadian government under the guidance of the Trudeau Liberals is the most pro-abortion government in the history of the country. Since 2020, they have spent more than$1 billion promoting contraception and abortion

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