WEF: Kids Must Have Microchips Installed in Their Brains To Help Pre-Bunk ‘Conspiracy Theories’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has announced plans to install microchips in children’s brains in order to protect them from ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’.

According to WEF scientists, these chips will help pre-bunk so-called ‘conspiracy theories’ so that non-mainstream content no longer has an audience with the newly microchipped population.

Naturalnews.com reports: Do not put anything past the sick people who abuse children, warp their minds and spread the twisted propaganda on social media to feed this agenda. One big part of keeping the wars overseas going and the U.S. southern border wide open is to fuel human trafficking and drug trafficking, which helps these perverts capture, abuse and kill kids of all races, creeds, gender and ages.

Have no illusions, the movement to censor “misinformation” comes from these very people at the top of the U.S. government, Big Tech and Big Pharma (think the Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, Epstein, Diddy, Hollywood, Disney and the list goes on).

This blatant censorship has never been more apparent than during the Covid scamdemic. Nobody was allowed to question the fake PCR tests, the “deaths” from Covid, the deadly clot shots, Fauci’s “expert” advice or the CDC’s lies and propaganda that killed millions of people in hospitals (think protocol of ventilators, isolation, remdesivir and dirty vaccines).

During this reign of medical terror, we also witnessed the most extreme perverts spreading propaganda on social media so children and teenagers would be convinced they’re all suffering from “gender dysphoria” and need to “switch” genders to be happy, which includes digesting misinformation and disinformation about gender-bender surgeries, dangerous hormone prescription drugs, and accusing everyone of misgendering them when they “self-identify” as the opposite gender or as a “furry” animal that uses the litter box in the public school bathroom.

Many medical doctors, psychologists, scientists and teachers have conspired to warp children’s minds (and bodies) through the misinformation and mass-censorship campaigns waged against people who have values, ethics and morals. The Censorship Industrial Complex (CIC) is a weapon of mass destruction, and radical Leftists like Hitlery Clinton and Kommie Harris lead the charge to use this weapon for insane, perverted, destructive motives and agendas.

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