Italy Calls For The Creation Of A ‘European Army’

Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani has called on EU leaders to establish a common European army.

He has argued that without a joint military the bloc cannot have a credible foreign policy.

Tajani told Italy’s local daily newspaper La Stampa: “If we want to be bearers of peace in the world, we need a European army” adding that: “This is a fundamental precondition for having an effective European foreign policy,”

He then said that in a world of “powerful players” like the US, Russia, and China, European citizens “can only be protected by something that already exists, and it’s called the European Union.”

RT reports: Some 22 EU states are currently members of NATO, with the US-led pact effectively dictating security policy on the continent since the start of the Cold War. However, several EU leaders have floated the idea of pooling their militaries into a common force independent of US control in recent years. 

French President Emmanuel Macron and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel were two of the most vocal proponents of this idea. Macron famously referred to NATO as “brain dead” in 2019, and urged European leaders to pursue a policy of “strategic autonomy” from Washington.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned in 2021 that such a move would “weaken the connection between North America and Europe.” When talk of an independent European army first surfaced two decades earlier, then US Secretary of Defense William Cohen was more blunt, calling the idea “a threat to the very existence of NATO.”

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