Pope Francis Says ‘Evil’ Fossil Fuels Must Be Outlawed: ‘Stop Driving Gas-Powered Cars!’

Pope Francis has declared that fossil fuels are “evil” and has called on Christians to stop using gas-powered vehicles as a matter of urgency.

The Pontiff called on world leaders to outlaw fossil fuels during his speech at the Cop28 Conference in Dubai.

Francis was too ill to deliver the speech in person so Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State, delivered the speech on his behalf.

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: It is widely known that ending fossil fuels would kill off a significant percentage of the world’s population. And every year nine times more people die from freezing than from heat-related causes.

Does the commie Pope Francis really support this?

The Daily Mail reported

Pope Francis has called for the elimination of fossil fuels in an historic speech to the UN climate conference Cop28 in Dubai.

He was suffering from a lung infection and was too unwell to deliver the speech, so it was given by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State.

He said: ‘Destruction of the environment is an offence against God, a sin . . . that greatly endangers all human beings, especially the most vulnerable in our midst and threatens to unleash a conflict between generations.

‘Are we working for a culture of life or a culture of death? To all of you I make this heartfelt appeal: Let us choose life!’

The Pope also called for a ‘decisive acceleration’ in energy efficiency, renewable sources, eliminating fossil fuels and educating people to do without them.

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