Dr. Meryl Nass: WHO’s pandemic treaty to remove human rights, sovereignty under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and biosecurity agendas

Independent News:

Board-certified internist and biological warfare epidemiologist Dr. Meryl Nass issued a disturbing warning that the Pandemic Treaty being pushed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is going to take over the jurisdiction of everything in the world. During the International COVID Summit of the European Parliament held in Brussels, Belgium in May, Nass said that the health authorities will use the treaty to impose the idea that climate change, animals, plants, water systems, and ecosystems are all central to health.

According to Nass, the Pandemic Treaty will remove human rights protections currently embedded in the International Health Regulations (IHR), enforce censorship and digital passports, get rid of freedom of speech, require governments to push a single "official" narrative and dictate which drugs should be prescribed in every country.

"We're undergoing a soft coup," she alerted.

She also pointed out how the organization is moving to create a whole new set of laws and ignore the existing human rights laws under the pretext of pandemic preparedness and the biosecurity agenda. Nass divulged how it is working on binding states so there are no longer recommendations, providing a liability shield – for vaccine manufacturers and public health officials – getting rid of intellectual property rights, and moving supplies from one country to another.

The doctor from Maine added that WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus would be able to declare pandemics at the mere threat of a public health emergency of international concern. He can also call for a world lockdown for declared climate change emergencies as per the treaty.

Watch the full video of the International Covid Summit where Dr. Meryl Nass spoke about the Pandemic Treaty's alarming provisions.

Meanwhile, in a separate interview with the independent media organization Bright Light News, the epidemiologist stressed how the "One Health" concept will put animals and ecosystems on the same level as humans. She said under the direction of the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and proposed changes to the IHR, the United Nations (UN) specialized health agency would be given centralized powers superseding those of its 194 member states' sovereign governments.

Nass explained that under "One Health," animals and the environment would be given equal status with humans. "One of the methods that is being used for the WHO to gain more power is a concept that was rolled out in Davos in 2012 at the World Economic Forum (WEF). This concept states that human health cannot be looked at in isolation. But instead, we must consider the health of animals, plants, the environment, water systems or ecosystems together," Nass noted. "In this connection, doctors are not allowed to look at health anymore. Instead, we need ecologists and veterinarians, pathologists, etcetera to be involved. Now, do you think the WHO is going to elevate animals to the status of humans? No, it's going to lower humans to the status of animals."

Legislation passed in Congress to develop a national "One Health Framework"

Congress enacted into law a bill that seeks to develop a national "One Health Framework" that will coordinate federal activities in combating zoonotic disease outbreaks and advance public health preparedness. Said legislation was supported by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA).

The One Health language passed is taken from another bill, the "Advancing Emergency Preparedness Through One Health Act (HR 2061/S 681)," and directs the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to work with other relevant federal departments and agencies to develop the national framework within a year. The bill was passed in December 2022.

"The One Health legislation passed by Congress will help strengthen the nation’s preparedness for diseases that can spread between animals and humans," AVMA President Lori Teller said. "We have all witnessed the significant threat that zoonotic diseases pose to our society. With animals, humans, and the environment being more interconnected than ever, the AVMA applauds Congress for taking this crucial step forward in fully implementing a One Health Framework so we can better protect public health."

Dr. Bruce Kaplan, the co-founder of the One Health Initiative, lauded the decision of the House, saying: "Passage of this long-overdue One Health Framework provision by the Congress is heartening and I am delighted. However, my fervent hope is, as Winston Churchill said, 'Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.'"

(Article by Belle Carter republished from NaturalNews.com )

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